BIM Manager Bio Picture of Jennee for CV Resume

I love Lean and I love BIM – the combination (Lean BIM) is truly amazing! I will share more about these topics in my blogs!

About Me:

Hello, my name is Jennee.

Although I had no idea about what BIM was when starting my career I’m now a Senior BIM Coordinator!

I absolutely love working with BIM in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry because BIM provides opportunities for all companies to increase efficiency, save time, money, and errors.

I like practical BIM – BIM that provides value, not BIM that just creates pretty pictures to make people feel good about BIM. Lean BIM.

I’m also addicted to coffee.

This blog will discuss my views on BIM (Building Information Modeling) and its future.

I hope you like reading my opinions!


Fun facts about me:

How did you get into BIM?

Well, I was always intrigued by the AEC industry and Architecture. At age 13, I desperately wanted to be an Architect (over time, this interest faded). However, creating buildings from nothing and visualizing them locked me so I found out that my local college had a program and I took classes at night and on weekends while working part-time for a local Architectural firm. Then I just stuck with anything related to BIM – but mostly contracting.

What is your BIM experience?

I have mostly used BIM as a contractor, I have built models, coordinated projects, and worked on many 4D simulations.

What is your favorite BIM technology?

I started out learning Revit on the job, but there has been a revolution in great BIM technology since then – it’s difficult to pick one, but I’d go with anything that encourages collaboration utilizing Lean BIM principles.

I blog for the Five BIM Bloggers series.

Every week we share different perspectives on important BIM topics!

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Jennee the "Lean BIM-er" BIM Bloggers five BIM experts share their own experiences about implementing Building Information Modeling bim manager

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