cBIMc BIM Management Presentation Calgary BIM Community cBIMc
cBIMc BIM Management Presentation bSCAffiliate cBIMc

The video below shares an introduction to better BIM management (a recording with the Calgary BIM Community, a BuildingSmart Affiliate) with Plannerly and a demonstration of how you can manage the BIM workflow using the Plan, Scope, Schedule, Track and Verify steps on your BIM projects.

Slides from the presentation on BIM Management:

Transcript from the meeting:

Clive Jordan in Southern California is going to present on that screen on the left so Clive the floor is yours hey hey everyone I don’t know whether you can see but I thought to say hi I won’t burden you with my ugly mug I’ll say hi and bye thanks so much everyone for joining us we are planning on not planning late but planning early so plan early and we are BIM management platform our motto our belief of this concept of smart lean BIM we defined that as being the right BIM at the right time by the right people and specifically for the right reasons so that’s what we’re really focused on is the right theme the right time the right people and the right reasons and it’s really important because BIM can be used for so many different things we’ve got everything from marketing to analyzing the building running clash reporting

quantity takeoffs viewing walking through the building even using it for facilities and operations and so with all of these different uses there are a lot of different amounts of development detail accuracy information that are required at certain points in time and if we don’t get that right what we see in our industry is the opportunity to unfortunately have a lot of miscommunication and what we see here are three models three BIMs Building Information models and they might be perfect each one of them for the customer or it might be way too much detail and so getting that right and communicating between the owner for what they would like as a handover requirement or what the contractor needs to coordinate or or the architect needs to actually cut drawings and make that workflow more efficient for them it’s really important to get that right because it’s a cross crust company problem and as our our industry with the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) tools that we have we’ve got a lot of fantastic authoring analysis and use tools that are dedicated for BIM but we have been using business-related tools that are disconnected from each other and also disconnected from the rest of the workflow to plan and control and manage

that process so understanding that as a challenge that was where we set off where we started and we identified all of these difficulties that we we have when you’re trying to create a BIM execution plan to manage this process sometimes it takes a long time and when you create one nobody actually reads it and there’s unclear responsibilities when we’re trying to manage this responsibility matrix in an Excel table with a bunch of numbers we end up with the confusion as to who is supposed to do walk when and to many clashes because models are created at the same time rather than potentially in the right sequence and all of these challenges are what we focused on three years ago when we started on this journey and our whole emphasis was connecting and making this process a lot more efficient creating one simple cloud-based bim management platform and the exciting thing is that we have now simplified that workflow from planning right the way through to verification that we have met those objectives the planning starts with BIM execution planning templates to make that BIM execution planning workflows so much more efficient and then scoping to ensure that we know who does what when and also then tracking

scheduling and tracking sharing and tracking that process in the met the management workflow right the way through to dropping the deliverable in and verifying that it was completed so what I’m going to share with you today is an overview of the product in a couple of slides and then I’ll dig in to the platform and show you a lot my presentation as we walk through the software and then hopefully I’ll leave a lot of time for questions so that we can dig in if there’s anything specific that comes up so the first module it’s called plan and it’s about simplifying the BIM execution planning process allowing you to drag and drop from all of the templates whether they are industry standard templates or your own templates for your company and creating those processes and contracts so that everyone can really understand what’s going on and it looks like the plan module we have editing in the browser it’s all browser-based rich information whether it’s tables texts videos anything can go into one of these sections we then have commenting process and a publishing process which starts off as in progress sharing and publishing this is following the ISO standards (ISO19650)

for work in progress and through to publishing and allowing you to invite the teams and be part of the workflow as these contracts are created so that’s the plan module the second one is the scoping today we use sometimes a spreadsheet to create something that really can be very powerful if it’s visual and we’ve seen the ability to understand something when it’s a visual like we are able to in this visual grid it increases the awareness and the adoption and the likelihood that people are really going to deliver on those promises so being able to in a visual and collaborative framework define the geometry the documentation and information requirements for each party at each milestone (Information Delivery Milestone) in the project or at just one milestone if it’s simply a contract for a deliverable so it looks like this the scope module each column represents a milestone so we have a structural estimate at the MEP the asset handover and then we have a whether we’re following uniformat unit class any classification structure all of the line items to represent exactly which items we need and then a definition rich and filled with either information requirements or attachments and links and all of the data required to understand exactly what is needed and who is responsible and even seeing a handover from the architect required to provide something early on for the structural estimate and then the MEP coordination

the stairs here are the structural teams responsibility so understanding who is responsible when it’s required and what the purpose is for that model really powerful and visual in that scoping grid that’s the second module the third module is all about sequencing and not putting a burden on the team to schedule and man those tasks but actually it’s the BIM timeline that teams managed to give it together they build and manage this sequence we’ve got case studies that shown 53 percent fewer coordination issues because teams are now sequencing their work for a clash of avoidance workflow rather than a clash detection workflow so the schedule is really visual again and a lot of drag-and-drop being able to sequence your own tasks and filter for your own tasks and manage your own tasks in the same system that everybody else is also managing really simple in scheduling and then the tracking module allows teams to manage their own tasks focus on continuous beam delivery and make it a lot easier for those that are managing the BIM process to see where the status is on those tasks without having to request every day for an update so a very simple drag-and-drop he’s got three tasks and he simply drags and drops to say that it is ready for review the stairs and that’s where the verify module comes in at the end of that workflow whether you have followed every step or not you have a deliverable and we have a set of tasks and we’re really wanting to simplify that bim compliance workflow so that the model dropped in connected to the requirements

can allow you to make sure that those deliverables are fit for purpose before we waste time using or distributing them to other team members so this example we’re seeing that the stairs in the common areas they’re checked off whatever the requirements were and whatever the attachments were we are verifying based on the requirements that this is something that is ready and it’s fit for purpose whatever the customer requirements were so this is plan early in five modules let’s take a look at plan early the first thing to note is that there are different levels of permissions and we can set up accounts for teams with their own branding on so that it is a look looks and feels like your own company account and then there’s a concept of workspaces and in each workspace we have projects so this project that I have I am the manager on the project and if I simply enter into the project I can see all of the details about the project

I can see links to different tools that we’re working on and using on the project and I can also see all of the team members and their contact details if I wanted to and their permissions so this front page is all about the project if we jump into the plan module we can see the plan sections that we have created and here I can show that everything from rich content in here’s videos that we could playback and tables and text etc but how do we get them in there well the library on the left hand side is where we would access all of our standards and templates to create a BIM execution plan and if we were looking for a coordination process we could simply find this is BIM use that we’re going to add and I’m going to drag and drop it into the right hand side and I’m going to talk about four that we need our project called coordinates and we also need to understand maybe that’s that’s good so there we go we have two sets of and actually I wanted to drop them in here so I could just move them up and you’ll notice as I drag and drop them you see the the number changes so if I drag drag and drop it in Section two it will update to 2.1 we can then edit these in the browser so I can start to manage and edit this content we can based on the people who are in the system can come in and comment and then we can go through the publishing and the process of approval and getting this content out so don’t want to spend too much time on each of these modules but just to show you how that works and how we drag in from the library

if we move on to the scoping this is where we would set up each of the milestones for the project and I mentioned it could just be one milestone and each of whether it’s a bid package or a set of scope that follows a break down that your company uses what you need in each of these and whether it’s spaces and let’s dig into something that’s so there’s structural for example some columns and do we need it in 2d do we need it in 3d do we need certain information requirements do we have notes about each one of these and who is responsible so the BIM team the owner the architect simply showing who is responsible same principle this is all built from either your standards or the industry standards and there is a library that comes out of the box that you can start with that ranges from all of your building elements and also civil and hospitals etc all of this is out of the box airports etc and also out of the box are a set of templates from around the world and whether it’s Omni class or uniformat whether it’s something in it so in French or in English or a bunch of different standards from around the world that are available we also follow and should mention if you do use the LOD (Level Of Development) standard at the moment it’s not shown because this project is set to not use a standard like that but if we were to choose a standard one of the recognized standards this would now allow us in the scope to understand what the LOD was so coordination an LOD of 350 and we can see if when

I move this up or down and say for example we wanted to also include the reinforcement so you can start to see how these build up not wanted to go into too much detail but you can build a scope for one deliverable or a series of deliverables for that project each one of those cells becomes a task on the schedule that you can then manage and control and this is the great point thought about this is I would ask teams to do that themselves not just myself and then track and understand the status of those the status of those tasks so that we know what is ready for review and the items that have been dragged and dropped into ready for review we can then go and view the deliverables I mentioned that this would be called verify because really the step is now being able to visualize the deliverables and also there are that they have met the requirements that we were looking for in the first place so here we have the 3d model and I can zoom into the model and understand what’s here I can interrogate the model by clicking on items and seeing the properties of them etc or I can click through these so here we’ve got the concrete stairs we can identify where they are in the building the columns the the curtain walls etc and we can also understand the relationship of those in as far as whether they have been verified or not so by bringing up our show linked we shall show verified as well I can start to identify what in this model has passed the test what has been linked and I understand those pieces and then I could also even clustered I love this one I can group those items in their respective categories and we can see their status in that same setup so it’s some quickly show how that works in a standard model as well so here if I wanted to instead of which I could

I could walk around this model and I could look at every single one of the the light fixtures for example but instead of having to look at every single one of those light fixtures what about if I broke them all I clustered all of those light fixtures and I can look at all of the light fixtures here all in one place a lot easier to to review and a lot easier to manage if there are questions we can dig into a lot of the detail just let me know how much you want to dig in and how much you want to eat pizza and drink there may be any other question here I like I like the fact that we can just jump straight to the price we have many different ways to make sure that you are 100% happy we start at free and so you can literally go online and ready to join free and start to go through the whole experience it gives you unlimited projects unlimited workspaces unlimited viewers to people to edit on every project and then there are some restrictions but as soon as you feel that it’s ready for you then we just talk and we you can either buy one project at a time which starts at nine dollars per project as soon as you think it’s for you as to set a meeting with one of the team and we will define a plan with some huge discounts because

I’ve been on both sides of the software selling and also the software buying experience and we are trying our best not to create any sales team because we hate that workflow we know that we just want to remove the limits and give you guys as much use as possible and understand that that’s not going to happen overnight so long answer to say you can start free and we can set up a plan for your company that is very very attractive based on the amount of use that you think you might have in the first year any other questions how many sales do we have well all the arms are up right now  

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