Simplifying BIM Model Checking with Automation and Autonomy 5 Minute Intro to BIM Model Checking Key Strategies and BIM Insights
Simplifying BIM Model Checking

In the world of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), checking models against contractual and agreed-upon requirements has traditionally been a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Ensuring that models contain the right information can be a challenging task for teams.

However, at Plannerly, we have made it our mission to simplify and automate this process, ultimately empowering teams to check their deliverables themselves before sending them to their receiving parties.

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BIM Model Checking Like a Pro!

Visualizing Model Quality

One of the key features of Plannerly is the ability to visually assess the quality of models. With a simple click, users can navigate through different requirements and easily identify whether their models meet the specified criteria.

On the left side of the interface, users can view a breakdown of various model components and their compliance status.

Model elements and their requirements
Model elements and their requirements

For example, they can see the number of ceilings and quickly determine how many meet the requirements (indicated by a green colour) and how many need adjustments (indicated by an orange colour).

BIM checking - green model elements is good, orange is not so good!
Green model elements is good, orange is not so good!

Additionally, if any modelling properties are completely missing from certain elements, they will be highlighted in red.

This intuitive visual representation makes it straightforward to understand the quality of the models being delivered.

A Holistic Approach: Defining Scope and Purpose

Before diving into the specifics of model checking, it is crucial to establish a clear understanding of why models are being created and what they will be used for.

At Plannerly, we emphasize the importance of defining the scope of the project and its associated modelling requirements. This initial step sets the foundation for the subsequent model checking process.

During the scope definition phase, teams outline the intended use cases, assign responsibilities for specific model components, and determine the necessary geometry and information to be included in the models.

Defining modelling requirements in the Scope
Defining modelling requirements in the Scope

This comprehensive scope definition ensures that all stakeholders are aligned and provides a clear framework for the subsequent model checking procedures.

Granular Requirements and Expected Values

To streamline model checking, our platform allows users to define granular requirements for each modelling component and property. Whether the requirement involves a Boolean value, a numeric entry (with minimum and maximum thresholds), units of measurement, or selecting a value from a predefined list, our platform accommodates diverse needs.

By specifying the expected values and constraints for each modelling property, teams can ensure that the models align with the desired standards and contractual obligations. This precise configuration reduces ambiguity and enables more efficient model checking.

Translation to Verify Module

Once the scope and requirements have been defined, Plannerly automatically translates each requirement cell into a task. These tasks are then represented as cards in the verify module, simplifying the model checking process even further.

In the verify module, users can review and manage the tasks associated with model checking. The cards represent each cell, making it easy to track and oversee the progress of checking against the agreed-upon requirements.

Simplifying BIM Model Checking with Automation and Autonomy image 3

This seamless integration between the scope definition and the verify module ensures a streamlined workflow.

Linking Model Components to Requirements

To establish the necessary connections between model components and requirements, our platform provides a straightforward process of linking them together. By setting a simple rule at the model level, users can specify which property of the model carries the relevant information for linking it to a specific task. For example, the name of a task (e.g., “ceilings”) can be entered into a designated property of the model, allowing for easy identification and association.

Setting up model for checking
Setting up model for checking

Furthermore, additional properties, such as codes based on industry standards like Uniclass or Uniformat, can be utilized to create more sophisticated and selective rules. This flexibility enables users to customize the linking process according to their specific needs, ensuring accurate and comprehensive model checking.

Advanced Rule Creation at the Task Level

In certain cases, more advanced and selective rules may be required.

To accommodate these scenarios, our platform allows users to create task-level rules either in accordance with the model rules or independently.

This flexibility empowers teams to establish unique criteria for checking specific elements or collections of elements within their models.

For instance, teams can create intricate rules to check elements like red doors on the second floor against the specific requirements defined in their BIM execution plan.

Adding Task Rules
Adding Task Rules

These advanced rules offer a higher level of granularity and control, enabling teams to fine-tune the model checking process to align with their project requirements.

Join Us!

By leveraging automation and autonomy, Plannerly transforms the model checking process into a user-friendly and simple workflow.

With an intuitive visual interface, comprehensive scope definition, granular requirements, and advanced rule creation, Plannerly is empowering teams to take control of the model checking process, saving time and ensuring compliance.

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Three Bonus BIM Resources 🥳

1. Other Interesting Reads ⤵

2. The Complete BIM Management Workflow [VIDEO] 🎥

Here’s a video I think you might find valuable 😃 – it covers the complete BIM management workflow:

Complete BIM Workflow

3. Answers to some related questions 🤔

What is BIM Model Checking?

BIM Model Checking is the process of evaluating and verifying Building Information Model (BIM) files against specific criteria or requirements. It helps ensure that the BIM model is accurate, complete, and compliant with industry standards.

How does Plannerly streamline the model checking process?

Plannerly translates requirements into tasks and represents them as cards in the verify module, enabling users to track and manage the progress of checking against agreed-upon requirements.

What are the key advantages of using Plannerly for model checking?

Plannerly provides an intuitive visual interface, comprehensive scope definition, granular requirements, and advanced rule creation, empowering teams to take control of the model checking process effectively.

Is Plannerly Free?

Plannerly offers a free plan to kickstart your BIM management workflows. Once you’re set to use it for your projects, there are options for Individuals, Teams, and Enterprises, all with very affordable pricing. Check out the pricing here:

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