Secure eSignature for BIM Contracts
The most simple and streamlined approach to contracting for Building Information Modeling (BIM) following the ISO 19650 appointment workflow..
BIM Contracting, Made Simple.
The AECO industry runs on contracts – let’s make them ridiculously simple to prepare, agree and act on!
Legally Binding + Secure
Data encryption, audit trails, tamper-proofing, and industry-standard compliances are default. eSignature is only available for signed-in users and documents are encrypted at rest using AES 256-bit encryption. When a user signs a signature request each signature on a document is imposed and affixed to the original document.
BIM Contracts – Easy As
Reduce the manual steps to filter by Appointment and merge EIR (Exchange Information Requirements), BEPs (BIM Execution Plans), Responsibility Matrices, Information Protocol and more(!) into a single beautifully formatted PDF.
Delight your clients
Improve customer experience by making it easier for companies to do business with you. Simplify each team’s contract documents by filtering and creating targeted appointment documents to the exact requirements by company, milestone, document type (and others) in one simple online workflow.